Tuesday, September 14, 2010


    Hey guys, my name is Will.  I am just starting my junior year at Baruch College and it just seems like the past two years have just blazed by.  Nothing much to say for now, but hopefully, this blog will be an interesting read to whoever happens upon it in the future.


  1. Hey Will,
    I liked your title but I almost always skip breakfast-I guess it's because I got use doing so :)
    The only thing I can have in breakfast is a cookie but I guess it doesn't count as a breakfast :)

  2. Hey Will, Very catchy title thats what caught my attention. Breakfast is definatley the most important meal of the day, must remember to eat it everyday, even though its tough in this faced paced world we live in!

  3. Hey Will, I just happened to come across your profile and find your title very interesting. Always eat breakfast is something I learned a couple years back. I find my days to go by smoother with a nice breakfast in the morning as opposed to not having one and having a tiring day. After all it is the most important meal of the day!
