Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dominance, Influence, Conscientiousness, Steadiness.

    These are the components of DISC.  These are the management orientations of the test that we took in management class.  I suppose it was accurate in determining that I was a Cs.  I'm the kind of person who likes things a certain way and I like to make sure that all the details are correct.  A clearly defined goal is what I respond well to and stability is important to me.  I actually do wish that I were another type, mainly because it seems like it would be easier to just go with the flow of things and not worry about the little stuff.  I would probably want to be a combination of a D and an I because they are the ones with qualities that enable them to get what they want, and are recognized as a result of it.  Becoming a different type of person is possible, although you would really need to change yourself.  Professor Kurpis says that the different types of people see the world differently, so that is perhaps the hardest part to change.  At the same time, I don't think this test should limit you, because you can be whatever you want to be.  Many people have qualities from all four categories, so perhaps just using a combo of two orientations is limiting, although the evaluation of which two are the strongest isn't wrong.


  1. I also agree that this test may give a basis for the ways in which someone may manage but being a D,C,I, or S does not solely determine who a person is or how they lead. Many of us may have overlapping characteristics from each of the 4 styles although only one may be the most prevalent in our leading styles.

  2. I agree with you that everyone can be whatever he wants to be and that most people have qualities from all four categories. Sometimes our personal characteristics depend from the situation we are in or our current mood. On the other hand, it is hard to change yourself. I also wish I were less Conscientiousness. However, it is easier to say that than to actually do it.

  3. It was determined that I was also a Cs and clearly you and I are alike in the idea that we both like to have things a certain way and I'm very detail-oriented. I like to have stability as well and when I know what I'm working towards, it makes my life a whole lot easier. I do wish I was more of a toned-down Dominant type just because I would like to not be afraid to speak up whenever I need to and I would like to not have to be so focused on every little thing but who knows? Maybe that's what the future will hold for me.
